Did my favorite British department store Primark knocked offPrabal Gurung for their spring collection? Some said photo evidence indicates it’s very likely. I personally love the prices, great design, and Quality. You can get big jackets and coats for around £15-£25 (sometimes £10 but you have to spot them fast!) and layer up underneath for a further £10. Jeans are about £8-£10 and you can get a tonne of socks for under £10...
Our eagle-eyed friends at The Fashion Law were thefirst to see this tweet of a London Primark’s windows. Though the photo itself is a bit blurry, a few designs are clearly visible, including one that instantaneously calls to mine one of the more iconic looks from Prabal Gurung’s resort 2012 collection. (See below.)
The source of the tweet, @NickGFromDC, directed the photo to the official Prabal Gurung twitter, whichresponded: “Oh boy looks like it TY 4 lettin us know.”
A little digging on the Primark website unearths at least one more similar look.
What do you think? Florals for spring is hardly a ground-breaking concept, but the shape and coloring of the Primark dress bares more than a passing resemblance. It is unclear if Gurung plans to pursue any legal action, but I’ll keep you posted.

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